FOAF with Hugo

, Updated:
Talks about:
<a class="post-tag post-tag-foaf" href="/tags/foaf">foaf</a>, and <a class="post-tag post-tag-hugo" href="/tags/hugo">hugo</a>
To publish a FOAF document with your Hugo site, configure a media type in your config.toml
suffixes = ["rdf"]
name = "FOAF"
mediaType = "application/rdf+xml"
baseName = "foaf"
isPlainText = false
rel = "alternate"
isHTML = false
noUgly = true
permalinkable = false
Create a new layout in _default/home.foaf.rdf
with the following content:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:foaf="">
<foaf:PersonalProfileDocument rdf:about="">
<foaf:maker rdf:resource="#me" />
<foaf:primaryTopic rdf:resource="{{ .Site.Title }}" />
<foaf:Project rdf:ID="{{ .Site.Title }}">
<foaf:name>{{ .Site.Title }}</foaf:name>
<foaf:homepage rdf:resource="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" />
{{ range $.Site.Data.contributors }}
<foaf:Person rdf:ID="{{ .id }}">
<foaf:name>{{ .first_name }} {{ .last_name }}</foaf:name>
<foaf:title>{{ .title }}</foaf:title>
<foaf:givenname>{{ .first_name }}</foaf:givenname>
<foaf:family_name>{{ .last_name }}</foaf:family_name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:{{ .email }}" />
<foaf:homepage rdf:resource="{{ .website }}" />
{{ end }}