Makefile Help

, Updated:
Talks about:
<a class="post-tag post-tag-help" href="/tags/help">help</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-make" href="/tags/make">make</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-makefile" href="/tags/makefile">Makefile</a>, and <a class="post-tag post-tag-perl" href="/tags/perl">perl</a>
Use the following Perl snippet to automatically generate help output for your Makefile
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)
%help; \
while(<>) { push @{$$help{$$2 // 'targets'}}, [$$1, $$3] if /^([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:.*\#\#(?:@([a-zA-Z\-]+))?\s(.*)$$/ }; \
print "usage: make [target]\n\n"; \
for (sort keys %help) { \
print "${WHITE}$$_:${RESET}\n"; \
for (@{$$help{$$_}}) { \
$$sep = " " x (32 - length $$_->[0]); \
print " ${YELLOW}$$_->[0]${RESET}$$sep${GREEN}$$_->[1]${RESET}\n"; \
}; \
print "\n"; }
, add the following help
target to the same Makefile
.PHONY: help
help: ##@other Show this help
@perl -e '$(HELP_FUN)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
Each target in the Makefile
is marked as phony to signal that those targets are not actually files that are generated as part of your build process. The optional description of a target can be placed after the ##@
prefix. The first word represents the group of a target and everything that follows is the description of a target. All targets should be formatted just like the help
.PHONY: compile
compile: ##@hacking Compile your code
<compile some code>
.PHONY: test
test: ##@hacking Test your code
<test some code>
.PHONY: sign-cla
sign-cla: ##@contrib Sign the contributor license agreement
<sign some file>
Once in place, you can either use make
without any argument to call the help
target or use make help
to see the generated output:
$ make
usage: make [target]
sign-cla Sign the contributor license agreement
compile Compile your code
test Test your code
help Show this help