Automatically update plugins for vim/nvim View article history Edit article

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Talks about: <a class="post-tag post-tag-git" href="/tags/git">git</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-neovim" href="/tags/neovim">neovim</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-plugins" href="/tags/plugins">plugins</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-shell" href="/tags/shell">shell</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-systemd" href="/tags/systemd">systemd</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-updates" href="/tags/updates">updates</a>, and <a class="post-tag post-tag-vim" href="/tags/vim">vim</a>

Both Vim and Neovim have a built-in plugin mechanism that loads plugins from ~/.vim/pack/*/{start,opt}/* (Vim) or ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/*/{start,opt}/* (Neovim). All you have to do to install new plugins, is to git clone their repository into those directories. To automatically update those clones, create the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# This script git-pulls all installed nvim plugins which are using the built-in
# nvim plugin manager. Those plugins are located in .local/share/nvim/site/pack
# Required software that is not in GNU coreutils:
#   - 'git' to fetch plugin updates from upstream

### User specific variables, adjust to your own needs

# folder that contains all nvim plugins

### Script logic

echo "updating all plugins in ${PLUGIN_DIR}"
# iterate through all directories and git pull em
for directory in "${PLUGIN_DIR}"/*/{start,opt}/*; do
    if [ -d "${directory}" ]; then
        plugin=$(basename "${directory}")
        echo "updating ${plugin}"
        git -C "${directory}" pull --quiet

In case you are using Vim, adjust the PLUGIN_DIR variable to point to your Vim plugin directory instead and save the resulting shell script as a file called in some folder of your choice. Do not forget to set the executable bit with chmod +x /path/to/your/folder/ Since all good developers must be lazy, write the following systemd service to execute the above script automatically:

Description=cron job that triggers an update of all nvim plugins


Adjust the ExecStart line to match the location where you saved the above script and place that service definition in a file called nvim-plugins-update.service into your local ~/.config/systemd/user directory. Add another file called nvim-plugins-update.timer next to it that defines a systemd timer with the following content:

Description=Update nvim plugins every week



Adjust how often you want to update the plugins you are using in the OnCalendar line. Enable this service/timer with:

$ systemctl --user enable nvim-plugins-update

Finally, add the following shell aliases to make it easier to interact with the created systemd units:

# trigger an update manually
alias update-nvim-plugins='systemctl --user start nvim-plugins-update'
# see status of last auto-update
alias update-nvim-plugins-status='systemctl --user status nvim-plugins-update'
# see logs of past auto-updates
alias update-nvim-plugins-logs='journalctl --user --unit nvim-plugins-update'

With this setup in place, all your plugins will be automatically updated once per week or however often you have configured in the timer.