passage fuzzy search View article history Edit article

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Talks about: <a class="post-tag post-tag-age" href="/tags/age">age</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-clipboard" href="/tags/clipboard">clipboard</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-fuzzy" href="/tags/fuzzy">fuzzy</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-passage" href="/tags/passage">passage</a>, and <a class="post-tag post-tag-search" href="/tags/search">search</a>

To fuzzy search through passwords managed with passage, I’ve written the following script that is inspired by the upstream version which is using fzf.

fd --type=file --base-directory="${PASSAGE_DIR:-${HOME}/.passage/store}" .age --exec echo '{.}' | \
  sk --cycle --layout=reverse --tiebreak=score --no-multi | \
  xargs --replace --max-args=1 --no-run-if-empty \
    passage show --clip=1 {}

This version requires fd, skim, xargs, and passage itself of course. The detailed breakdown on how it works is as follows:

  1. Use fd to find all files within ${PASSAGE_DIR} that end in .age. Each password in passage is inside that folder and has such a file extensions, therefore we are selecting every password we have.
  2. Using both --base-directory and --exec echo '{.}' ensures that passwords are returned in such form that they can be passed back into passage again. The placeholder '{.}' is a feature provided by fd which strips the file extension from each returned value.
  3. All passwords are then passed into sk to allow to fuzzy search across them all. Setting --no-multi ensures that only a single password can be selected.
  4. Finally, xargs calls passage and replaces the curly braces with the selected password. Thanks to --clip=1, the first line in the selected password entry will be copied to the clipboard and automatically cleared after 45 seconds.

To call that script, I’ve saved it as in my .local/bin folder and added some checks into it to verify that every required software is actually installed.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# This shell script presents passwords saved with passage through skim
# Call it like this:
# Required software that isn't in GNU coreutils:
#   - 'passage' to read passwords
#   - 'fd' to find passwords
#   - 'sk' to filter passwords

if ! (( ${+commands[passage]} )); then
    echo 'passage not installed. Please install passage.'
if ! (( ${+commands[sk]} )); then
    echo 'sk not installed. Please install skim.'
if ! (( ${+commands[fd]} )); then
    echo 'fd not installed. Please install fd-find.'

fd --type=file --base-directory="${PASSAGE_DIR:-${HOME}/.passage/store}" .age --exec echo '{.}' | \
  sk --cycle --layout=reverse --tiebreak=score --no-multi | \
  xargs --replace --max-args=1 --no-run-if-empty \
    passage show --clip=1 {}

Since typing is way too long, I have added an alias like this:

alias pp=''